New Year Resolution Strategy

December 30, 2019

New Year resolutions for me have been no more than wishful thinking. I wish to learn a new language… I wish to exercise more…

Then I would forget about it, and when the new year comes again, I would set the same goals.

So, in 2019, I’m trying something different. I decided to make sure to follow through the resolutions I set in the year. How am I going to do that? I made sure they are not impossible to achieve. Thus, there are several rules tied to them:

  1. Maximum 3 resolutions allowed
  2. They have to be realistically achievable
  3. There should be measurable goals tied to them and specific steps needed to achieve those goals

When crafting the three resolutions, I decided to have a theme for each of them. For 2019, I asked myself these questions: What is a skill that I personally want to have? What is a habit/skill that I think will be beneficial in my life? What is a skill that is good for me to advance in my career?

When crafting this strategy, I gained inspiration from Nicky Case’s post on habits: Habits 101 (He’s one of the people that I admire. Do check his works out.)

The most important things that I take note is: have a cue (when X do Y) and track your progress. This is something that I need to implement in my actions towards fulfilling my New Year resolutions.
